(Good News) Here Comes the Sun!!!  A Season’s Greetings 

Warm, holiday greetings to everyone from the southern Italian province of Puglia! I have been hopping between Otranto, Lecce, Altamura, and Matera, visiting friends and percussion teachers. Today, I have many reasons to be thankful. My family, my body, and this journey on which I find myself, just to name a few. Appropriately, the sun is … Continue reading (Good News) Here Comes the Sun!!!  A Season’s Greetings 

Donde Diablos Estoy y Como He llegado Aqui?

Where the hell am I, and how did I get here? It's been three weeks since I've touched this site.  In that time, I've uprooted my life in the US and headed to Europe for a meandering adventure with a pack on my back, a loose itinerary in one hand, and a few clear intentions … Continue reading Donde Diablos Estoy y Como He llegado Aqui?